Leib Knott Gaynor congratulations and appreciation to Charles R. Starnes for publishing his article, “Constitutionalizing Negligence Kingsley and Objective Reasonableness”, in the June edition of For The Defense published by the Defense Research Institute (DRI). In this article, Charles addresses the rapidly changing law related to constitutional claims by pre-trial detainees. Federal courts are currently split on which standard governs such prisoners, who are confined while awaiting trial. A number of jurisdictions now apply an “objective reasonableness” standard while others continue to employ the “deliberate indifference” test. The growing use of the objective reasonableness framework is particularly concerning for medical providers working in detention facilities. This standard could essentially make medical negligence a constitutional violation. This is not only a sharp detour from prior cases, but could dramatically increase the liability of physicians, nurses, and other providers serving inmate populations. We are proud of Charles and his ongoing service to the law enforcement, correctional, and medical professionals we represent.