LKG Shareholder Sean Gaynor Contributes To Emergency Medicine Through Publication And Workshop
Attorney Sean Gaynor, a Shareholder at LKG, was part of a team that was published in the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine for their efforts in teaching Emergency Medicine Residents about the legal process, subpoenas, depositions and sworn testimony. Gaynor, a...
Gaynor Honored To Present To Health Resources And Service Administration (HRSA) On Value Of Risk Management
On September 10, 2024, LKG Shareholder Sean M. Gaynor had the privilege of presenting to over 1,900 risk managers affiliated with HRSA-funded health centers, FTCA program free clinics and primary care associations, located throughout the United States, regarding the...
The Alt Privilege: Understanding Your Right As A Healthcare Provider To Refuse To Provide Expert Testimony Under Wisconsin Medical Malpractice Law
As a healthcare professional, your expertise is extraordinarily valued by society. You have undergone rigorous education and training, providing you with the knowledge and skills that allow you to provide the care that our communities so critically need. That said,...