When all other Waiver Agreements have failed, do Residental Care Apartment Complex (RCAC) Risk Agreements stand any chance?
In Wisconsin, a Residential Care Apartment Complex (RCAC) is a type of assisted living facility in which residents are provided with a limited level of care, more independence, and among other things, their own apartment with a door that locks. More specifically, an...

LKG Successfully Defends Hand Surgeon In Alleged Medical Malpractice Case
After four days of trial in Wausau, Wisconsin, Attorney Sean Gaynor and Danny Noonan, with the assistance of paralegal Alexis Thompson, obtained a verdict in favor of their client, an orthopedic hand surgeon in a case where the patient alleged medical malpractice...

Leib Knott Gaynor, LLC Virtual Food Drive 2024
Join Leib Knott Gaynor, LLC (LKG) to support Hunger Task Force during the holiday season – virtually! Leib Knott Gaynor, LLC is a complex litigation and business law firm located in Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward. LKG brings decades of knowledge and hard-won...