Practice Area:
Dentistry & Oral Surgery
The dental sciences are a separate area of medicine practiced by professionals with individualized training and degrees. Too often, lawyers who work on general health care matters contend they are competent to defend dental professionals and, yet, their experience in this practice area is virtually non-existent.
At LKG, a prominent area of specialization has been defending dental practitioners in all facets of care including general dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, prosthodontics, endodontics, orthodontists and cosmetic dentistry. For over 30 years, the lawyers at LKG have prided themselves on being one of the only firms in Wisconsin to actually concentrate a portion of their practice on this specific area. Handling matters across the entire state and in Northern Illinois, LKG has defended matters ranging from damaged lingual nerves, oral cancers, extraction complications, wrong extractions, sinus injuries, TMJ, chronic periodontal disease, infections, oral sores and lesions, medication errors, sedation problems, root canals, crowns, dentures, bridges, and implants
LKG has been repeatedly asked by dental and oral surgery organizations, both in Wisconsin and nationally, to present on topics involving dental litigation and defense.
Dental practitioners frequently make their living based on their reputation and word of mouth. Legal action against a provider can bring these factors into jeopardy. At LKG, our carefully crafted strategies and legal intuition can help minimize or eradicate any interruption to a provider’s practice and help preserve the quality care Wisconsin’s dental providers give to the patients of this state.
Get the professionals you need and the results you want.